Thursday, 26 September 2013



Ever had an idea? One, that seemed just that bit difficult. Yet, with a good amount of effort on your part, actually quite possible?

I know I have. Tonnes of them, to be frank. Some, I tried executing. Mostly unsuccessful efforts though. My earliest brush with electronics was when I tried implementing a multistable vibrator with discrete components at the age of 10. Needless to say, without proper help and guidance, and obviously tools like a breadboard, it did not work. Nevertheless, the interest to work on hardware and software stayed on.

Ten years passed, during which I was educated in the proper fields(more or less), and acquired the proper components and tools as well. Arduino boards, jumper cables, the likes. But still, actual finished products or prototypes remain ellusive. Still, the ideas keep piling up. This blog, I shall treat as an online repository for all my ideas. Suggestions, criticism, and input are all welcome.

Here's hoping that I may be able to render my ideas into working projects hence.

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